Buy or Sell a Home

Our real estate center's services are always on the house.
  • Search online for your dream home
  • Access a network of experienced agents
  • Research neighborhood property values and crime rates
  • Choose a Realtor from a network of top agents
  • Earn cash rewards at closing1

It's not just four walls and a roof. It's a big part of your future.

When you're buying a house or selling one, the stakes are high. Buyers want to find the perfect place. Sellers want to get a good price. That's why we offer our free, no-obligation Home Advantage program. Easy to use online tools allow you access to property listings, and, best of all, a network of pre-approved local real estate agents who pay cash rewards1 at closing!

Your dream home? It's surely out there somewhere.

Of course, the floor plan and number of bedrooms are important. But so is the location of the town, the character of the neighborhood, and the quality of the schools. If you're searching for a home, we offer you access to the same search tools used by real estate pros across the region. Happy hunting!

  • As you search for homes, you can save your favorites for later consideration
  • Receive email alerts when new properties come on the market
  • Access calculators that will let you know how much a monthly mortgage payment might be
  • Get in-depth information on local real estate agents to see which one is right for you
  • Use one of the agents in our network and earn a cash rebate of 20% of their commission based on the home's sale price1

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