Credit cards are a go-to resource for everyone, and Simplicity is the perfect solution if you're just starting out, or if you want to save money on high interest rate balances with a solid credit card that helps you build a positive credit history. This credit card delivers spending flexibility you need to make purchases throughout Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey and beyond, with a low rate that helps you manage payments and save on interest charges.
Benefits and Rewards
- A straightforward credit card with a low interest rate
- Save with a 0% APR* introductory rate for 6-months on purchases made within the first 90 days
- After that period, your purchase and balance transfer variable APR* will be between 12.49% to 18.00%
- Transfer balances easily online in Digital Banking
- No balance transfer fee, annual fee, cash advance fee, or foreign transaction fees
- Plus, around-the-clock fraud prevention services
- Includes ID Navigator Powered by NortonLifeLock, providing tools so you can act quickly if your identity is threatened