Some people want a low interest rate credit card that saves them money. Some people want to take the first step toward a great credit score. And some want cash back and merchandise rewards. Because we're in the people-pleasing business, we offer different cards to meet your individual needs whether you’re in Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey or elsewhere.
We don't all have the same goals. So we shouldn't have the same credit card.
Choose Two Cards to Compare:
OVERVIEW: Key Features:
A richly rewarding card with more points and perks |
OVERVIEW: Key Features:
Flexible rewards for your everyday spending |
OVERVIEW: Key Features:
Low interest rate, straightforward, card that keeps credit simple |
OVERVIEW: Key Features:
Build credit, while earning rewards with a $500 security deposit |
OVERVIEW: Special Offer for New Cardholders:
10,000 bonus points with purchase of $1,500 within the first 90 days1 |
OVERVIEW: Special Offer for New Cardholders:
10,000 bonus points with purchase of $1,500 within the first 90 days1 |
OVERVIEW: Special Offer for New Cardholders:
0% for 6 months on purchases within 90 days of account opening |
OVERVIEW: Special Offer for New Cardholders:
OVERVIEW: Credit Level:
Excellent |
OVERVIEW: Credit Level:
Good |
OVERVIEW: Credit Level:
Fair |
OVERVIEW: Credit Level:
Rebuilding |
REWARDS: Unlimited Reward Options:
Up to 4x points on streaming, gaming and entertainment purchases Up to 2x points on everyday commuting, expenses and fuel 1x points on all other purchases |
REWARDS: Unlimited Reward Options:
3x points on gas paid at the pump & groceries 1.5x points on all other purchases |
REWARDS: Unlimited Reward Options:
REWARDS: Unlimited Reward Options:
1x point on all purchases |
REWARDS: Redemption Options:
Travel, Merchandise, and more |
REWARDS: Redemption Options:
Cash, Travel, Merchandise, and more |
REWARDS: Redemption Options:
REWARDS: Redemption Options:
Travel, Merchandise, and more |
Annual Percentage Rates: Purchase, Cash Advance, and Balance Transfer Rates:
Variable Rate as low as APR1: 18.00% |
Annual Percentage Rates: Purchase, Cash Advance, and Balance Transfer Rates:
Variable Rate as low as APR1: 13.99% |
Annual Percentage Rates: Purchase, Cash Advance, and Balance Transfer Rates:
Variable Rate as low as APR1: 12.49% |
Annual Percentage Rates: Purchase, Cash Advance, and Balance Transfer Rates:
APR1: 18.00% |
CARD BENEFITS: Auto Rental Insurance: False
CARD BENEFITS: Auto Rental Insurance: True
CARD BENEFITS: Auto Rental Insurance: True
CARD BENEFITS: Auto Rental Insurance: True
CARD BENEFITS: Cellular Telephone Protection: True
CARD BENEFITS: Cellular Telephone Protection: False
CARD BENEFITS: Cellular Telephone Protection: False
CARD BENEFITS: Cellular Telephone Protection: False
CARD BENEFITS: Concierge Services: True
CARD BENEFITS: Concierge Services: True
CARD BENEFITS: Concierge Services: False
CARD BENEFITS: Concierge Services: False
CARD BENEFITS: Emergency Assistance: True
CARD BENEFITS: Emergency Assistance: True
CARD BENEFITS: Emergency Assistance: True
CARD BENEFITS: Emergency Assistance: True
CARD BENEFITS: Event Ticket Protection: True
CARD BENEFITS: Event Ticket Protection: False
CARD BENEFITS: Event Ticket Protection: False
CARD BENEFITS: Event Ticket Protection: False
CARD BENEFITS: ID Theft Protection: True
CARD BENEFITS: ID Theft Protection: True
CARD BENEFITS: ID Theft Protection: False
CARD BENEFITS: ID Theft Protection: False
CARD BENEFITS: Porch Piracy Protection: True
CARD BENEFITS: Porch Piracy Protection: False
CARD BENEFITS: Porch Piracy Protection: False
CARD BENEFITS: Porch Piracy Protection: False
CARD BENEFITS: Rideshare Protection: True
CARD BENEFITS: Rideshare Protection: False
CARD BENEFITS: Rideshare Protection: False
CARD BENEFITS: Rideshare Protection: False
CARD BENEFITS: Roadside Dispatch: True
CARD BENEFITS: Roadside Dispatch: False
CARD BENEFITS: Roadside Dispatch: False
CARD BENEFITS: Roadside Dispatch: False
CARD BENEFITS: Warranty Manager: False
CARD BENEFITS: Warranty Manager: True
CARD BENEFITS: Warranty Manager: False
CARD BENEFITS: Warranty Manager: True
FEES: Annual, Foreign Transaction Fee*:
None |
FEES: Annual, Foreign Transaction Fee*:
None |
FEES: Annual, Foreign Transaction Fee*:
None |
FEES: Annual, Foreign Transaction Fee*:
None |
FEES: Balance Transfer Fee:
2% or $10 |
FEES: Balance Transfer Fee:
2% or $10 |
FEES: Balance Transfer Fee:
None |
FEES: Balance Transfer Fee:
2% or $10 |
FEES: Cash Advance Fee:
2% or $10 |
FEES: Cash Advance Fee:
2% or $10 |
FEES: Cash Advance Fee:
None |
FEES: Cash Advance Fee:
2% or $10 |
View Details: New! Supreme Rewards Visa Signature® Credit Card Apply Now: New! Supreme Rewards Visa Signature® Credit Card | View Details: Titanium Rewards Visa Signature® Card Apply Now: Titanium Rewards Visa Signature® Card | View Details: Supreme Visa® Card Apply Now: Supreme Visa® Card | View Details: Platinum Rewards Secured Visa® Card Apply Now: Platinum Rewards Secured Visa® Card |
1APR=Annual Percentage Rate. We do business in accordance with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. Must be a member of the credit union to open any loan account.
210,000 Bonus Points - 10,000 bonus points will be earned with $1,500 purchase within 90 days of card opening.
35,000 Bonus Points - 5,000 bonus points earned automatically with first purchase.
Additional Disclosures:
- Credit Card Agreement and Disclosure Statement
Andrews Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with stateside locations in Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia and New Jersey, as well as overseas locations in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.