Visa® Credit Card Rates

With our low rates, these cards are in high demand.

Save money at the same time that you spend it.

A good credit card is a must-have. Spend with confidence, knowing you are building a credit history, earning rewards and paying little to no interest. But the secret is to not pay a high price for that convenience. All our Visa cards come with low rates that reduce your interest payments and leave you with even more money to buy things you want and need.

Visa Credit Card Rates

Choose other credit card options to fit your needs

Credit Card Credit Limit Variable Rate as low as APR*
Supreme Rewards Up to $50,000 18.00%
Titanium Up to $50,000 13.99%
Supreme Up to $50,000 12.49%
Business Up to $50,000 18.00%

Rewarding Checking

Kasasa Cash Checking
We’re always looking for ways to give you more. That includes our outstanding checking options powered by Kasasa. With Kasasa Cash Checking, you can earn higher dividends on your checking account balances — up to 6.00% APY. And, you’ll continue to have access to all the best benefits that come standard with Andrews Federal membership, including Early Direct Deposit, mobile check deposits, Digital Banking access and more.

Earn 6.00% APY* with Kasasa Cash Checking, a free checking account that pays high dividends.